Focusing of scattered ions on semichannel planes has been observed for
4 keV He+ scattering from a Pt{111}-(1 x 1) surface. Atoms scattered
on such semichannel planes are highly focused by the detailed structur
al features of the surface and subsurface layers, giving rise to intri
cate three-dimensional spatial patterns. These scattering patterns can
be readily observed through the use of a time-and spatially-resolving
microchannel plate detector using the technique of scattering and rec
oiling imaging spectrometry (SARIS). Such three-dimensional scattering
features are not normally observed in conventional ion scattering exp
eriments using small-area detectors. Classical ion trajectory simulati
ons using the scattering and recoiling imaging code (SARIC) are used t
o simulate the scattering patterns and to provide an analysis of the s
urface and subsurface layers involved in the scattering, the focusing
of incoming and outgoing atom trajectories, and the role of thermal vi
brations on the scattering patterns. The high sensitivity of the SARIS
images to the details of the surface and subsurface atomic arrangemen
ts advocate its potential as a surface structural analysis technique.
(C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.