Scleredema adultorum of Buschke is a rare disorder of unknown aetiolog
y. It is characterized by diffuse, non-pitting swelling and induration
of the skin. Skin biopsies reveal marked thickening of the dermis due
to collagenous replacement of the subcutis and deposition of hyaluron
ic acid between the collagen fibers. The disease classically only affe
cts the skin. In 24 cases an associated monoclonal gammopathy has been
detected. A 75-year old patient had a 19 year history of scleredema a
dultorum. In addition to a monoclonal gammopathy the patient suffered
from involvement of the tongue, pharynx and upper esophagus. Furthermo
re a polyneuropathy, ocular involvement with restricted eye movements
and a sicca syndrome were present. The simultaneous occurrence of cuta
neous scleredema with any one of the above mentioned symptoms has been
reported before. The wide variety of extracutaneous manifestations of
scleredema as found in our patient is amazing and has not been previo
usly described.