Several choice processes of alternatives for non-homogeneous group dec
ision-making problems, assuming linguistic preference relations for ex
pressing the opinions of individuals and linguistic values for express
ing their respective power or importance degrees, are presented. These
processes are designed using two choice degrees of alternatives based
on the concept of fuzzy majority: quantifier guided linguistic domina
nce degree and quantifier guided linguistic non-dominance degree, bein
g the last one a generalization of Orlovski's non-dominated alternativ
e concept. In order to deal with non-weighted linguistic information,
the linguistic ordered weighted averaging (LOWA) operator is applied.
To deal with weighted linguistic information, three operators of lingu
istic weighted information aggregation are used: the linguistic weight
ed disjunction (LWD) operator, the linguistic weighted conjunction (LW
C) operator and the linguistic weighted averaging (LWA) operator. (C)
1998 Elsevier Science B.V.