Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics of uterine myom
as with cytogenetic rearrangements. Design: Comparative study of myoma
s with normal and abnormal karyotype. Setting: University hospital. Pa
tients: Premenopausal, GnRH-agonist (GnRH-a) treated and menopausal pa
tients. Interventions: Myomectomy or hysterectomy. Main Outcome Measur
es: Karyotype analysis and clinical characteristics. Results: Clonal a
bnormalities occurred in 29% of uterine myomas but were not related to
the age of the patient or, in untreated menopausal patients, to the s
ize of the myoma. In GnRH-a treated and menopausal women, 48% of the m
yomas larger than 4 cm were associated with clonal abnormalities. Subm
ucous myomas had significantly fewer clonal abnormalities (12%) than s
ubserosal (29%) or intramural myomas (35%). Conclusion: The data suppo
rt the hypothesis that cytogenetic rearrangements in uterine myomas ar
e associated with loss of steroid hormones dependency and alter the gr
owth potential of the tumor. (C) 1998 by American Society for Reproduc
tive Medicine.