The adhesive strengths of a soft, ductile polyester paint and a stiff,
brittle epoxy resin on metal substrates equibiaxially strained to dif
ferent levels were investigated by pull-off testing. The stress state
in the samples after straining was estimated from relaxation tests on
unsupported films. It was found that the epoxy behaved elastically at
low strains and plastically at higher strains, whereas the polyester r
esponded plastically at all levels of imposed strain. The pull-off str
ess of the polyester decreased strongly with increasing strain, indica
ting the formation of defects at the interface. No influence of the el
astic strain in the epoxy coating on the pull-off stress could be dete
cted. In both the epoxy and the polyester the location of failure move
d towards the interface with increasing strain. After the onset of int
erfacial failure, the increase in area fraction interfacial failure wi
th strain was found to proceed similarly in both materials.