This paper provides some evidence of fiscal illusion of a reduced tax-
price of public service, engendered by provincial grants to local gove
rnments. A model of fiscal response to grants, based on expected vote
maximization approach, is tested on time series data as well as pooled
time series and cross-section data for 39 upper-tier municipalities i
n Ontario over the period 1977-91. A generalized two-stage least squar
e procedure is used to estimate the model, adjusting for autocorrelati
on, heteroscedasticity in errors and simultaneity between grants and e
xpenditures. The results show that the fiscally-induced price effects
of grants varies quite widely from one municipality to another and the
se variations can be attributed to differences in municipal characteri
stics and their institutional relations with the province. Additionall
y, the results show evidence of considerable tax exporting (and import
ing) to (and from) non-residents.