The chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is at present under critical debate
together with the multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS), sick
building syndrome, candidiasis and fibromyalgia. The public take a spe
cial interest in these diseases since aetiological factors are conside
red to tirgger them, such as environmental toxins, immunological distu
rbances or chronic affection with viruses or bacteria. However, only l
ittle is known to date about the aetiology: the diseases are in fact d
iagnosed only by means of upon subjective complaints. CFS is the best
known and most thoroughly studied syndrome of all. We discuss the prer
equisites for diagnosis, the usefulness of diagnostic procedures and t
he opinions on aetiology and therapy. All this is weighted on the expe
rience of the interdisciplinary CFS-clinic in Mainz, where more than o
ne hundred patients have been examined so far.