The thermal degradation and thermooxidative degradation of epoxidized
natural rubber (ENR) were studied by thermogravimetry (TG). In the the
rmal degradation of ENR, the initial temperature of weight loss T-0 =
1.20B + 348, the temperature of maximum weight loss rate T-p = 1.07B 392, and the final temperature of weight loss T-f = 0.77B + 445. The
C-p, which corresponds to the degradation rate at temperature T,, T,=
0.77B + 445. The C increases along with the heating rate B and its mea
n value is 43%, but C-f, which corresponds to the degradation rate at
temperature Tf, is not affected by the heating rate, and its average v
alue is close to 100%. As in the thermooxidative degradation, T-0 = 1.
84B + 246, T-p = 0.30B + 378, and T-f = 2.27B + 584. The value of C-p
increases along with the heating rate B and its mean value is 36%, but
C-f is not affected by the heating rate and the average value approxi
mately equals 100%. The thermal degradation in nitrogen could be a one
-step reaction, whereas the thermooxidative degradation has a multiple
-step reaction. The reactive environment has a great effect on the the
rmal degradation of ENR and the difference of the mechanisms of the tw
o reaction systems is obvious. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.