Issues The conference participants addressed the following issues: (1)
reporting of equivocal diagnoses, (2) strategies to minimize the use
of such diagnoses, (3) morphologic criteria, and (4) management of wom
en with equivocal diagnoses. Consensus Position Equivocal diagnoses sh
ould be minimized, to the extent possible, by emphasizing cytologist e
ducation and training, improved specimen collection and quality assura
nce monitoring of individual and laboratory diagnosis rates. Cases ful
filling criteria for other diagnostic entities should not be included
in the equivocal category. Regardless of the term utilized, an equivoc
al diagnosis should be qualified in some manner to indicate that the d
iagnosis defines a patient at increased risk of a lesion, particularly
for those cases which raise concern about a possible high grade lesio
n. Qualification of an equivocal diagnosis can also be accomplished by
appending laboratory statistics of the likelihood of various clinical
outcomes or recommendations for patient follow-up. In contrast to fav
oring a reactive process versus squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL),
a more rationale approach to qualification of atypical squamous cells
of undetermined significance may be to separate cases equivocal for l
ow grade SIL from those suspicious for high grade SIL. With regard to
glandular lesions, the conference participants expressed unanimous sup
port for the separation of adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) from atypical
endocervical cells of undetermined significance when sufficient criter
ia are present. However, the diagnosis of a precursor lesion to AIS, e
ndocervical glandular dysplasia, was controversial. The majority of co
nference participants discourage the use of such terms Its mild glandu
lar dysplasia and low grade glandular dysplasia for cytologic diagnose
s. Ongoing Issues Conference participants agreed that a term reflectin
g diagnostic uncertainty is necessary to communicate findings that are
equivocal. However, participants could not agree on the wording of su
ch a term. Opinions differed as to: (1) use of atypical, abnormal or m
orphologic changes to describe cell changes, (2) whether the diagnosis
should indicate a squamous or glandular origin of the cells in questi
on when this determination can be made, and (3) the value of defining
morphologic criteria for such a diagnosis. The debate over terminology
, Its well Its morphologic criteria, is ongoing, and the readership is
invited to communicate opinions to Acta Cytologica. Management of wom
en with equivocal diagnoses varies widely from locale to locale and ma
y differ based on how the equivocal diagnosis is qualified. Findings i
nsufficient for the diagnosis of a high grade lesion may warrant more
aggressive follow-up than cases equivocal for a low grade lesion. Wher
e sensitivity of detection of lesions is of paramount importance, foll
ow-up will generally consist of more frequent cytology screening or co
lposcopy and biopsy. However, in some countries it is considered uneth
ical to have it high percentage of false positive diagnoses, which res
ult in overtreatment and an unnecessary burden for women participating
in cervical screening. Future studies may provide a morphologic, or p
erhaps molecular, basis for distinguishing true precursors of neoplasi
a from minor lesions of no significant clinical import; this would all
ow a more coherent and rational approach to diagnosis and management o
f women with equivocal cytologic findings.