Optical digital imaging and its related technologies have applications
in cytopathology that encompass training and education, image analysi
s, diagnosis, report documentation and archiving, and telecommunicatio
ns. Telecytology involves the use of telecommunications to transmit cy
tology images for the purposes of diagnosis, consultation or education
. This working paper provides a mainly informational overview of optic
al digital imaging and summarizes current technologic resources and ap
lications and some of the ethical and legal implications of the use of
these new technologies in cytopathology. Consensus Position Computer
hardware standards for optical digital imagery will continue to be dri
ven mainly by commercial interests and nonmedical imperatives, but pro
fessional organizations can play a valuable role in developing recomme
ndations or standards for digital image sampling, documentation, archi
ving, authenticity safeguards and teleconsultation protocols; in addre
ssing patient confidentiality and ethical, legal and informed consent
issues; and in providing suport for quality assurance and standardizat
ion of digital image-based testing. There is some evidence that high l
evels of accuracy for telepathology diagnosis can be achieved using ex
isting dynamic systems, which may also be applicable to telecytology c
onsultation. Static systems for both telepathology and telecytology, w
hich have the advantage of considerably lower cost, appear to have lo
suer levels of accuracy. Laboratories that maintain digital image data
bases should adopt practices and protocols that ensure patient confide
ntiality Individuals participating in telecommunication of digital ima
ges for diagnosis should be properly qualified, meet licensing require
ments and use procedures that protect patient confidentiality. Such in
dividuals should be cognizant of the limitations of the technology and
employ quality assurance practices that ensure the validity and accur
acy of each consultation. Even in an informal teleconsultation setting
one should define the extent of participation and be mindful of poten
tial malpractice liability. Ongoing Issues Digital imagery application
s will continue to present ne io opportunities and challenges. Positio
n papers such as this ave directed toward assisting the profession to
stay informed and in control of these applications in the laboratory.
Telecytology is an area in particular need of studies of good quality
to provide data on factors affecting accuracy. New technologic approac
hes to addressing the issue of selective sampling in static image cons
ultation are needed. The use of artificial intelligence software as an
adjunct to enhance the accuracy and reproducibility of cytologic diag
nosis of digital images in routine and consultation settings deserves
to be pursued. Other telecytology-related issues that require clarific
ation and the adoption of workable guidelines include interstate licen
sure and protocols to define malpractice liability.