In a recent paper, Sprumont (1991, Econometrica 59, 509-519) showed th
at the uniform rule (Benassy, 1982, ''The Economics of Market Disequil
ibrium,'' Academic Press, 1982) is the only rule satisfying strategy-p
roofness, anonymity, and efficiency on the single-peaked domain (Black
, 1948, J. Polit. Econ. 56, 23-34). This result motivates us to invest
igate whether there is a larger domain on which there exists a nontriv
ial strategy-proof rule. We want such a domain to be as large as possi
ble. We show that the single-plateaued domain (Moulin, 1984, Sec. Choi
ce Welfare 1, 127-147) is the unique maximal domain for strategy-proof
ness, symmetry, and efficiency. Thus, we conclude that the assumption
of single-peakedness essentially cannot be weakened if one insists on
strategy-proofness, together with the other two basic requirements. (C
) 1998 Academic Press.