Cathepsin B has been implicated in progression of various human tumors
. Overexpression of cathepsin B mRNA, increased cathepsin B staining a
nd elevated cathepsin B activity have been found in different human ca
ncers. These occur especially at the invasive edges of cancers, sugges
ting a role for cathepsin B in tumor invasion. In some tumors, mRNA ex
pression and protein staining for cathepsin B correlate with clinical
progression. Cathepsin B can facilitate tumor progression directly thr
ough degradation of components of the basement membrane and extracellu
lar matrix. In vitro studies show that cathepsin B may exert its degra
dative effects intracellularly or extracellularly, depending on the ce
ll type and location of cathepsin B. Cathepsin B can also facilitate t
umor progression indirectly through activation of other latent proteas
es and/or degradation of protein inhibitors of other proteases. Thus c
athepsin B may be an integral component of the proteolytic cascade lin
ked to malignant progression of human tumors.