The argument that democratization can bring about war is a powerful cr
itique suggesting limits to the linkage between democracy and peace. T
his research examines this claim. Our findings demonstrate that democr
atizing polities al-e substantially less war prone than previously arg
ued. By focusing on the characteristics of the transition process, we
show that as contemporary polities become more democratic they reduce
their overall chances of being involved in war by approximately half W
e also find that rocky or especially rapid transitions or reversals ar
e associated with a countervailing effect; namely, they increase the r
isk of being involved in warfare. Both in the long term and while soci
eties undergo democratic change, the risk of war are reduced by democr
atization and exacerbated by reversals in the democratization process.
To reach these conclusions, we developed and applied a legit model li
nking authority characteristics and war involvement using Polity III a
nd Correlates of War databases.