The majority of isolates of Burkholderia cepacia, an important opportu
nistic pathogen associated with cystic fibrosis, can be classified int
o two types on the basis of flagellin protein size, Electron microscop
ic analysis indicates that the flagella of strains with the larger fla
gellin type (type I) are wider in diameter, Flagellin genes representa
tive of both types were cloned and sequenced to design oligonucleotide
primers for PCR amplification of the central variable domain of B cep
acia flagellin genes. PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism ana
lysis of amplified B, cepacia flagellin gene products from 16 strains
enabled flagellin type classification on the basis of product size and
revealed considerable differences in sequence, indicating that the fl
agellin gene is a useful biomarker for epidemiological and phylogeneti
c studies of this organism.