One-step efficient GMM estimation has been developed in the recent pap
ers of Back and Brown (1990), Imbens (1993), and Qin and Lawless (1994
). These papers emphasized methods that correspond to using Owen's (19
88) method of empirical likelihood to reweight the data so that the re
weighted sample obeys all the moment restrictions at the parameter est
imates. In this paper we consider an alternative KLIC motivated weight
ing and show how it and similar discrete reweightings define a class o
f unconstrained optimization problems which includes GMM as a special
case. Such KLIC-motivated reweightings introduce M auxiliary ''tilting
'' parameters, where M is the number of moments; parameter and overide
ntification hypotheses can be recast in terms of these tilting paramet
ers. Such tests are often startlingly more effective than their conven
tional counterparts. These differences are not completely explained by
differences in the leading terms of the asymptotic expansions of the
test statistics.