Outflow winds occur when differing air masses are separated by a coast
al mountain barrier. In extreme cases the cross-barrier pressure gradi
ent and the high degree of stratification (often approaching a distinc
t layered structure) result in channel winds which exhibit hydraulic f
eatures. We present a study of outflow winds in Howe Sound, British Co
lumbia. A field investigation, aimed specifically at locating and quan
tifying hydraulic effects, was undertaken during the winter months of
1992/1993. Microbarographs positioned in the region recorded pressure
changes at discrete locations in the streamwise direction. The pressur
es obtained during a severe outflow wind event, which occurred from De
cember 27, 1992 to January 1, 1993, show a highly variable lower-layer
depth suggestive of hydraulic control. Experiments were conducted wit
h a three-dimensional physical model that is geometrically and kinemat
ically similar to Howe Sound. Synoptic conditions recorded during the
outflow wind event in Howe Sound in December 1992 were used to determi
ne appropriate model flow forcing. The expanse of supercritical flow a
rea was observed to be relatively sensitive to changes in along-channe
l pressure gradient and downstream depth, when compared to changes in
discharge. Channel sinuosity and local topography appeared to force cr
itical conditions at specific locations. For example, a channel bend c
ombined with headlands was observed to force a situation where subcrit
ical and supercritical streams flow side by side. Flow separation, res
ulting in lateral sheer discontinuities, produced similar conditions.
These effects are discussed and put into context with field observatio
ns. Field and model results show good agreement.