Landau & Lifshitz showed that Kolmogorov's E similar to t(-10/7) law f
or the decay of isotropic turbulence rests on just two physical ideas:
(a) the conservation of angular momentum, as expressed by Loitsyansky
's integral; and (b) the removal of energy from the large scales via t
he energy cascade. Both Kolmogorov's original analysis and Landau & Li
fshitz's reinterpretation in terms of angular momentum are now known t
o be flawed. The existence of long-range velocity correlations means t
hat Loitsyansky's integral is not an exact representation of angular m
omentum, nor is it strictly conserved. However, in practice the long-r
ange velocity correlations are weak and Loitsyansky's integral is almo
st constant, so that the Kolmogorov/Landau model provides a surprising
ly simple and robust description of the decay. In this paper we redeve
lop these ideas in the context of MHD turbulence. We take advantage of
the fact that the angular momentum of a fluid moving in a uniform mag
netic field has particularly simple properties. Specifically, the comp
onent parallel to the magnetic field is conserved while the normal com
ponents decay exponentially on a time scale of tau = rho/sigma B-2 We
show that the counterpart of Loitsyansky's integral for MHD turbulence
is integral x(perpendicular to)(2)Q(perpendicular to)dx, where Q(ij)
is the velocity correlation. When the long-range correlations are weak
this integral is conserved. This provides an estimate of the rate of
decay of energy. At low values of magnetic field we recover Kolmogorov
's law. At high values we find E similar to t(-1/2), which is a result
derived earlier by Moffatt. We also show that integral x(perpendicula
r to)(2) Q(parallel to)dx decays exponentially on a time scale of tau.
We interpret these results in terms of the behaviour of isolated vort
ices orientated normal and parallel to the magnetic field.