Siegfried Bernfeld upheld the view that a history of educational think
ing could only take the form of a satire. Katharina Rutschky contends
that the history of education is essentially a history of oppression,
of ''Black Pedagogy''. Kraft takes a different stance, suggesting that
the history of educational methods might be clarified and divested of
bias and demonization tendencies by drawing on the instruments provid
ed by psychoanalysis and training the gaze on the early feelings estab
lishing educational motives and underlying educational blueprints. As
the author shows in connection with Pestalozzi, this may be one way of
determining how the latent text of the respective theory responds to
the latent text of the individual biography and what we can glean from
this for our understandig of the manifest content of theory and biogr
aphy alike.