Juvenile periodontitis is a form of periodontitis characterised by a p
attern of rapid vertical loss of alveolar bone around the permanent fi
rst molars and incisors, In this hospital based retrospective study of
juvenile periodontitis in Ibadan, 34 cases in the age range 17-34 yea
rs were seen over a period of five years, The mean age was 23.2 years,
Diagnosis was made on accepted clinical and radiological parameters,
The findings showed a low prevalence of 1.56%, (64.7% of localised juv
enile periodontitis, 35.3% of generalised juvenile periodontitis), The
re was a 2:1 female to male relationship and the oral hygiene status o
f the subjects was fairly good in most instances, Remarkable symmetric
al pattern and relationship was observed, The age of onset or age at p
resentation was 17 years contrary to reports from other studies which
revealed circumpubertal age of onset.