This was a cross sectional descriptive study to discuss the median age
of menopause in a rural area of Western Kenya. The broad objective of
the study was to describe the demographic. and biophysical characteri
stics of the study population and determine the age of menopause, A re
view of the current and medieval records shows average age of menopaus
e has remained relatively constant at 50 years in contrast to the rece
eding age of menarche. A total of 1078 women aged between 40-60 years
were interviewed, The majority (98.8%) were from one ethnic group, the
Luhya. Of the 1078 women, 880 (81.4%) were married and 198 (18.6%) we
re single, The average number of children per woman was 7.74, Most of
the women (75.1%) had attained primary school education. Their husband
s were unskilled workers in 30.1% of the cases, The mean weight and he
ight of the women was 60.74 kg and 161.1 cm respectively. Using method
s of probit analysis, the median and modal age of menopause was found
to he 48.28 years in this group of western Kenya women, If generalised
for the whole country, these results suggest that an average Kenyan w
oman lives for over ten ye ars beyond menopause, It is recommended tha
t more attention should b. given to the special health problems of pos
tmenopausal population.