Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is the most common anxiety disorder
. It is usually a chronic condition, but the severity of symptoms may
depend greatly on the degree of stress the patient is under at any one
time. According to DSM-IV, the symptoms of GAD consist of excessive a
nxiety and worry, hyperarousal, increased muscular tension, difficulti
es concentrating, irritability and sleep disturbances. While autonomic
symptoms are not required for the diagnosis, subgroups of patients wi
th GAD do manifest a considerable degree of cardiac or gastrointestina
l symptoms. GAD is frequently associated with affective and other anxi
ety disorders. The treatment of GAD includes psychological and pharmac
ological interventions. Psychological interventions consist of explana
tions, reassurance, support and, in more persistent conditions, cognit
ive and behavioural therapy. In pharmacotherapy, benzodiazepines, anti
depressants, antihistamines and, less frequently, antipsychotics and b
eta-adrenergic blockers are used. The choice of medication depends on
the severity of symptoms, the degree to which psychic and somatic symp
toms contribute to the overall picture, and whether symptoms are episo
dic or continual. Benzodiazepines have anxiolytic, sedating and muscle
relaxing properties. Since their onset of effect is rapid, they are u
seful whenever rapid anxiolysis is indicated. Benzodiazepines with a l
ong elimination half-life are preferable if long term treatment is req
uired, but may accumulate in elderly patients or in patients with live
r disease. Benzodiazepines do not seem to lose their effectiveness dur
ing long term treatment. However, because of their addictive potential
, in most cases, benzodiazepines should only be given for a short time
. Frequently, patients with GAD use benzodiazepines intermittently, i.
e. only in situations that they perceive as stressful. Benzodiazepines
should only be prescribed on a long term basis in severely anxious pa
tients who have responded poorly to other treatments. In such patients
, the improvement in functioning that can be induced by the drugs outw
eighs the risk of addiction. Antidepressants, and particularly those w
ith serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) reuptake inhibiting properti
es, reduce worries and obsessions, and so are useful in patients in wh
om excessive worrying predominates. However, they have to be taken on
a long term basis to provide adequate control of symptoms and often ha
ve unpleasant adverse effects. Anxiolytics that affect specific seroto
nin receptors also have anxiolytic properties by lowering psychic anxi
ety, but also have to be taken long term to be effective. Antihistamin
es and antipsychotics have some anxiolytic effect and are not habit fo
rming. They can be prescribed on an 'as needed' basis or as a regular
prescription. Antihistamines should be given to patients in whom addic
tion to benzodiazepines is a possibility. However, antipsychotics shou
ld be avoided in all but the exceptional case because they may induce
tardive dyskinesia. beta-Adrenergic blockers have no direct anxiolytic
properties, but are useful as adjunctive therapy in patients with pro
minent cardiac symptoms or tremor.