An analysis of magnetic fabric (45 sites, 514 samples) has been perfor
med in folded but apparently not penetratively deformed Mio-Pliocene s
edimentary rocks (mainly sandstones) from the Arc of Fars (Eastern Zag
ros, Iran). Different types of magnetic fabrics and shapes of suscepti
bility ellipsoids were observed from an oblate form reflecting a sedim
entary fabric to a prolate form signifying a magnetic lineation of tec
tonic origin. Classically in such weakly deformed sedimentary rocks th
e magnetic lineation is perpendicular to the shortening direction and
is interpreted as recording a pre-folding layer-parallel shortening. I
n the studied area, the trends of the magnetic lineation show two clus
ters oriented ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. To a first approximation, the magne
tic lineation follows the bending of the fold trend. However, a quite
systematic obliquity is observed. According to regional geology and to
other considerations arising from the magnetic analysis, we consider
that the tectonic transport direction is NNW-SSE. The arc pattern obse
rved in the fold and magnetic lineation trends may result either from
an inherited structural framework or from post-folding clockwise rotat
ions or both. In any case, our data rule out any interpretation of the
whole Arc of Fars as resulting from the superimposition of two non-co
axial folding events. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserv