A detailed investigation of the effects of the Coriolis force on the t
hree-dimensional linear instabilities of Stuart vortices is proposed.
This exact inviscid solution describes an array of co-rotating vortice
s embedded in a shear flow. When the axis of rotation is perpendicular
to the plane of the basic flow, the stability analysis consists of an
eigenvalue problem for non-parallel versions of the coupled Orr-Somme
rfeld and Squire equations, which is solved numerically by a spectral
method. The Coriolis force acts on instabilities as a 'tuner', when co
mpared to the non-rotating case. A weak anticyclonic rotation is desta
bilizing: three-dimensional Floquet modes are promoted, and at large s
panwise wavenumber their behaviour is predicted by a 'pressureless' an
alysis. This latter analysis, which has been extensively discussed for
simple flows in a recent paper (Leblanc & Cambon 1997) is shown to be
relevant to the present study. The basic mechanism of short-wave brea
kdown is a competition between instabilities generated by the elliptic
al cores of the vortices and by the hyperbolic stagnation points in th
e braids, in accordance with predictions from the 'geometrical optics'
stability theory. On the other hand, cyclonic or stronger anticycloni
c rotation kills three-dimensional instabilities by a cut-off in the s
panwise wavenumber. Under rapid rotation, the Stuart vortices are stab
ilized, whereas inertial waves propagate.