Oil seed related fungal species namely Cunninghamella verticillata, Cu
rvularia pallescens, Cladosporium cladosporioides and Syncephalastrum
racemosum were isolated. The lipase activity in these fungi were detec
ted using substances like Tributyrin; few natural vegetable oils (grou
ndnut oil, olive oil, soybean oil, cotton seed oil and sunflower oil),
Tween-20 and Tween-80. Intrestingly, C. verticillate could not hydrol
yse Tween-20 and Tween-80. However, it could hydrolyze tributyrin and
all other vegetable oils. Whereas C. pallescens could hydrolyze all th
e fatty substances including Tween-20 and Tween-80 except soybean oil.
C. cladosporiodes could hydrolyze all the fatty substances except all
vegetable oils. S. racemosum could hydrolyze all fatty substances exc
ept soybean oil. C. verticillata showed higher lipolytic activity than
the other species. The plate assay method could be used as a rapid me
thod for the detection of lipase activity, hydrolysis of oils and vari
ous fatty substances. Moreover, the results indicate that fungal speci
es can be used to degrade oil spills in the coastal environment which
may enhance ecorestoration as well as in the enzymatic oil processing
in industries.