A large-scale modular multicast ATM switch based on a three-stage Clos
network architecture is proposed and its performance is studied in th
is paper. The complexity of our proposed switch is N root N if the swi
tch size is N x N. The first stage of the proposed multicast switch co
nsists of n sorting modules, where n = root N. Each sorting module has
n inputs and n outputs and is responsible for traffic distribution. T
he second and third stages consist of modified Knockout switches which
are responsible for packet replication and switching. Although it is
a multipath network, cell sequence is preserved because only output bu
ffers are used in this architecture. The proposed multicast switch has
the following advantages: 1) it is modular and suitable for large sca
le deployment: 2) no dedicated copy network is required since copying
and switching are performed simultaneously: 3) two-stage packet replic
ation is used which gives a maximum fan-out of n(2); 4) translation ta
bles are distributed which gives manageable table sizes; 5) high throu
ghput performance for both uniform and nonuniform input traffic: 6) se
lf-routing scheme is used. The performance of the switch under uniform
and non-uniform input traffic is studied and numerical examples demon
strate that the cell loss probability is significantly improved when t
he distribution network is used. In a particular example. it is shown
that for the largest cell loss probability in the second stage to be l
ess then 10(-11) the knockout expander, with the use of the distributi
on network, needs only be larger than G. On the other hand, without th
e distribution network. the knockout expander must be larger than 13.