Endoscopic treatment in patients with chronic pancreatitis involves se
veral features : sphincterotomy of the wirsung, dilatation, insertion
of a prosthesis, cystoenterostomy, cystowirsungostomy. Extracorporal l
ithotrity is often associated Endoscopic treatment appears to give sat
isfactory short-term results in cases with pain, pseudocyst or pancrea
tic fistula. Morbidity is low. The optimum duration of endoscopic drai
nage via the prosthesis is still a question of debate and the long-ter
m efficacy remains to be demonstrated. Endoscopic treatment is indicat
ed in patients with a definitive or temporary surgical risk or may be
indicated for all symptomatic patients. In this case, endoscopic treat
ment would be used as a therapeutic test. Stenosis of the main bile du
ct is not at present a good indication for endoscopic treatment as thi
s stenosis is resistant to balloon dilatation and prosthesis calibrati