In south-central Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1986, 1987 and 1989, the aer
obic bacterial flora was evaluated from 75 unhatched raptor eggs of th
reo species: 42 of tile Swainson's hawk (Buteo swainsoni), 21 of tile
ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis), and 12 of the great horned owl (Bubo
virginianus). In addled Swainson's hawk eggs, the most common bacteri
al genera were Enterobacter (18 eggs), Escherichia (12), and Streptoco
ccus (10). Seven great horned owl eggs and six ferruginous hawk eggs a
lso contained Escherichia coli. Salmonella spp. were not isolated. The
se bacteria were interpreted as secondary contaminants and not the pri
mary cause of reproductive failure.