Currently, overall vaccination coverage against measles among infants
ranges between 77% and 89% in Switzerland. Experience in other countri
es has shown that this level of vaccination is not sufficient to preve
nt measles outbreaks, especially among schoolchildren. During 1992 sur
veillance for measles outbreaks in closed populations was conducted in
the Canton of Berne. Outbreaks were investigated for vaccine efficacy
.Two measles outbreaks in schoolchildren were observed during the stud
y period. In 2 Bernese suburban schools 6 measles cases in children (m
edian age 12.5 years) occurred over a period of 37 days. One of the ca
ses had been vaccinated. Vaccination rate in the healthy control child
ren was 89.7%. Estimated vaccine efficacy was 97.7% (95% confidence in
terval [CI]: 68%, 99%). The second outbreak occurred in a rural region
and comprised 21 measles cases (median age 7.5 years) within 43 days.
10 (47.6%) of the cases attended the same school. None of the cases h
ad been vaccinated. Of the healthy control children 82.6% had received
measles vaccine. Estimated vaccine efficacy was 100% (CI: 87%, 100%).
These two measles outbreaks were due to failure to vaccinate rather t
han low vaccine efficacy. Surveillance for measles cases is currently
not sufficient for the detection of measles outbreaks in our populatio
n. Laboratory confirmation of measles, especially in vaccinated person
s, has become more important in a time of relatively low measles incid