Self-splicing group I introns in tRNA anticodon loops have been found
in diverse groups of bacteria (alpha, beta purple bacteria and cyanoba
cteria). In particular, the cyanobacterial tRNA(Leu)(UAA) group I intr
ons have attracted considerable attention because of their presumed an
cient origin and immobility. In this work, however, we identified tRNA
(Leu)(UAA) group I introns in six out of 16 closely related isolates b
elonging to the cyanobacterial genus Microcystis. Interestingly, these
introns are more closely related to the group I introns identified in
the alpha and beta purple bacteria (located in tRNA(Arg)(CCU) and tRN
A(Ile)(CAU), respectively) than to other cyanobacterial introns. Our s
equence comparison and phyletic reconstruction suggest lateral transfe
r of the intron (possibly trough mobility), and a polyphyletic origin
of cyanobacterial tRNA(Leu)(UAA) group I introns.