Generation of clusters of free eosinophil granules (Cfegs), through ly
sis of eosinophils, has recently been proposed as a major paradigm for
ultimate activation of airway mucosal eosinophils. In the present stu
dy involving patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis, we have investi
gated whether generation of Cfegs in the nasal mucosa is a feature of
allergic rhinitis. Nasal mucosal biopsies were obtained before and lat
e in a birch-pollen season, and were subjected to histochemical staini
ng of eosinophil peroxidase. In biopsies obtained before the pollen se
ason, a few, intact eosinophils were observed, and Cfegs were scarce.
In biopsies taken during the pollen season, the numbers of eosinophils
were increased about 10-fold (P<0.05) and the Cfegs about 25-fold (P<
0.05). We conclude that generation of Cfegs is a significant feature o
f seasonal allergic rhinitis and that this process represents the ulti
mate activation of mucosal eosinophils in this disease.