For many years andropause has been compared to female climaterium. Dat
a show that symptoms are more an identification process with the clima
teric partner. Sexual function decreases with age but hormonal changes
are not the major determining factor in this decline. There is histol
ogical evidence of an aging testicle, with reduced number of Leydig an
d Sertoli cells. Testosterone also declines, about a third, as do dehy
droepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, prolactin, growth
hormone, and insulin growth factor-1. There is no change in dehydrotes
tosterone and estrogens and there is an increase in follicle stimulati
ng and luteinizing hormones levels. Recent data cannot recommend the u
se of hormone replacement therapy with androgens because of potential
severe side effects and lack of data on long-term effects.