Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is caused bq a mutation in the length of a tri
nucleotide (CTG) repeat in the 3' untranslated region of the myotonin
protein kinase gene located on chromosome 19q13.3 The normal gene has
between 5 and 36 CTG trinucleotide repeats. whereas minimally affected
individuals have 50 copies and severely affected DM-patients have sev
eral thousands of such repeats, Since no information on a genotype-phe
notype correlation in Austrian DM-patients is available. we explained
a small group of these patients for the unstable trinucleotide repeat.
Molecular analysis was used to clarify equivocal clinical diagnoses a
nd confirm clinical findings. Ne studied eight DM-families, a total of
57 individuals, of whom 18 were diagnosed with a trinucleotide repeat
expansion. Twenty-six unrelated individuals served as a control. Clin
ical assessment tvas based on the muscular disability rating scale (MD
RS) and a aunt of symptoms score (SSS). There was a significant correl
ation between the clinical stores (MDRS: Spearman r = 0.51; p = 0.029:
SSS: Spearman r = 0.538; p = 0.0259) used and the size of the amplifi
cation of the trinucleotide repeat, The largest expansion found in our
group of patients was 6 kb. Furthermore we observed both expansion an
d contraction of the enlarged fragment during transmission from one ge
neration to the next.