Microbial population in kusaya gravy from Niijima Island was analyzed
by grouping of functional characteristics and genetic identification f
rom 16S rRNA genes (16S rDNA). Viable conunts in TSSY medium supplemen
ted with 0.1% thioglycolate and 0.3% agar using the MPN method were de
termined as 10(11)/ml, which was the highest value compared with previ
ous reports on kusaya gravy. Each of denitrifying, nitrate reducers, s
ulfate reducers and proteolytic bacteria were estimated as about 10(9)
/ml, and starch hydrolyzing and lactic acid producing bacteria were es
timated as less than 10(3)/ml. Viable counts on TSA medium, which were
superior to BPG and B(6)P(6)G media, were 10(8) CFU/ml. The 16S rDNA
were amplified from kusaya gravy by PCR without cultivation of baceria
, cloned, and sequenced. Sequence analysis of the cloned partial 16S r
DNA indicated that the major bacteria in kusaya gravy were Bacteroides
-Cytophaga group bacteria, wall-less spirochaeta-like bacteria, uniden
tified bacteria, and so on. The results of genetic identification did
not coincide with those of cultural methods; i.e., most of the above b
acteria have not been isolated by plate methods so far, and Corynebact
erium and Peptococcuceae which were representative organisms in the pl
ate surface method under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, respectively
, were not detected by the PCR method. These results indicated that th
ere are diverse organisms which are unknown and unculturable in kusaya