BACKGROUND: Ergotism is a chronic condition resulting from excessive o
r misdirected use of ergot medicines or eating ergotized grain contain
ing alcaloids, CASE REPORT: A 32-year old woman taking a treatment, ba
sed on rye grain derivatives had signs of ergotism. She developed seve
re bilateral ischemia of the lower limbs and probable angina pectoris.
Outcome was favorable with vasodilator therapy and withdrawal of the
rye-grain derivatives, DISCUSSION: Cardiovascular manifestations of er
gotism have been reported previously in the literature, Our case under
scores the potential gravity of ergotism, The diagnosis should be ente
rtained in patients who develop severe arterial ischemia and history t
aking should search for drug-induced intoxication. Resting angina is a
lso highly suggestive. (C) 1998, Masson, Paris.