Poorly estimated prevalence: Although occupational asthma is the most
frequently encountered respiratory occupational disease, the exact pre
valence is poorly estimated because a large number of cases go unrecog
nized or unreported. Several studies concord that approximately 5% of
all asthma cases are caused by workplace irritants. The recently organ
ized National Observatory for Occupational Asthma should provide a bet
ter estimation in France. Risk factors: The main risk factor is exposu
re to the incriminated agent Atopy is not usually involved in flour as
thma. Tobacco smoke is an associated factor which favors the developme
nt of asthma. Several mechanisms: The pathogenesis of occupational ast
hma caused by high molecular-weight molecules is the same as that in a
llergic asthma. Th2 activation plays a major role. For low molecular-w
eight molecules, the pathogenic mechanisms are less clear, mainly beca
use of the wide variety of causal agents involved. (C) 1998, Masson, P