Two studies tested the theory of deliberate practice (Ericsson. Krampe
, & Tesch-Romer. 1993) and contrasted results with the sport commitmen
t model (Scanlan, Carpenter. Schmidt. Simons, & Keeler, 1993a. 1993b).
In Part I. international, national, and provincial soccer and field h
ockey players recalled the amount of time they spent in individual and
team practice. sport-related activities. and everyday activities st t
he start of their career and every 3 years since. In Part III these ac
tivities were rated in terms of their relevance for improving performa
nce, effort and concentration required, and enjoyment. A monotonic rel
ationship between accumulated individual plus team practice and skill
level was found. In contrast with Ericsson et al.'s (1993) findings fo
r musicians. relevant activities were also enjoyable, while concentrat
ion became a separate dimension from effort. The viability of a genera
lized theory of expertise is discussed.