This article discusses the tick-borne babesiases which harm dairy catt
le, buffaloes and dogs. In addition, the pathogen, vector, seasonal oc
currence, hosts, symptoms, pathological changes and treatment are summ
arized and analysed. The pathogens in this area were identified as Bab
esia bigemina, B. bovis and B. gibsoni; the vectors as Boophilus micro
plus, Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides, Haemaphysalis longicornis. Affec
ted buffaloes were found from April to September, peak numbers occurre
d between May and July. Affected dairy cattle were most numberous in J
uly and August. Hunting dogs were the most affected dogs. Infected dog
s were found from February until the beginning of December; peak numbe
rs occurred from September to November. Affected animals were acute ca
ses. Symptoms and pathological changes were obvious, but jaundice was
rare in dogs. Acaprin, acriflavine, imidocarb and berenil were used ea
rly and late. Their effect was ideal but resistance has developed to t
hese drugs.