Deprenyl (selegiline) delays the need for levodopa therapy in patients
with early Parkinson's disease, but the value of long-term treatment
with this type B monoamine oxidase inhibitor remains unsettled. We exa
mined mortality among the 800 patients with early Parkinson's disease
who were not requiring levodopa and who were randomly assigned in the
DATATOP trial to receive deprenyl, tocopherol, combined treatments, or
placebo. Ascertainment of the vital status of subjects in this double
-blinded trial was performed prospectively after the initial randomiza
tion, during open-label deprenyl, and after a second independent rando
mization to continue active deprenyl or switch to matching placebo. Th
e study was conducted at 28 academic medical centers in the United Sta
tes and Canada. After an average of 8.2 years of observation, the over
all death rate of our subjects was 17.1% (137 of 800) or 2.1% per year
. The mortality rate was unaffected by deprenyl, tocopherol, or combin
ed treatment assignments and was about that expected for an age-and ge
nder-matched US population without Parkinson's disease. Neither depren
yl, tocopherol, nor their combined treatments affected the duration of
life in our early Parkinson's disease patients. The deprenyl-related
delay in disability that we reported previously was not associated wit
h a deprenyl-related reduction in mortality.