Areas of the adult human brain used for semantic monitoring were ident
ified using positron emission tomography. For a series of tasks, subje
cts viewed a list of familiar English nouns and monitored the words fo
r names of dangerous animals. The monitoring task used here also conta
ined an instruction to keep track of the number or percentage of targe
ts for report after the scan. Surface characteristics of the tasks suc
h as stimulus rate, number of targets, and whether subjects were asked
to count or estimate the number of targets were varied across multipl
e conditions within and between subjects. A passive word viewing condi
tion was used as the control in all subjects. Reliable activations wer
e identified in anterior and dorsal right prefrontal cortex [Brodmann
areas (BA) 9 and 10] and left extrastriate cortex. The right prefronta
l cortical locations are similar to areas that have been activated dur
ing many episodic memory tasks. This surprising finding led to a thoro
ugh review of the literature for examples of other activations within
16-mm vector distance of this right prefrontal area. Activations in th
e vicinity of right BA10 due to episodic memory retrieval, to various
forms of working memory, and to miscellaneous tasks were found. The ri
ght prefrontal activations in the current experiment and the additiona
l working memory and miscellaneous tasks demonstrate that, although ri
ght BA10 is routinely activated by episodic retrieval tasks, it is not
uniquely activated by episodic retrieval tasks. (C) 1998 Academic Pre