Study Objectives: To evaluate the effects of preoperative administrati
on of clonidine by the oral, intramuscular (IM), or epidural routes, o
n isoflurane expense during total abdominal hysterectomy. Design: Rand
omized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Setting: University ho
spital. Patients: 80 ASA physical status I and II patients scheduled f
or total abdominal hysterectomy. Interventions: Patients were distribu
ted into four groups of treatment: oral, IM, epidural, and control. Ea
ch group received 300 mu g clonidine according to the treatment group,
plus placebo by the other routes. The control group received placebo
by all three routes. Depth of anesthesia was evaluated by changes in b
lood pressure and heart rate over baseline values. Cost evaluation was
based on three components: expense of isoflurane, cost of 300 mu g on
clonidine (tablets or ampoules), and the disposable material required
to dispense clonidine to each group. Measurements and Main Results: G
roups were comparable regarding demographic data, duration and surgery
, and time to discharge from recovery room. Postoperatively, none of t
he patients had recall of intraoperative events. Clonidine reduced iso
flurane pharmacy cost by approximately 45%, regardless of the route of
administration. However, when cost of clonidine and the disposable eq
uipment used for its administration were taken into account, the cost
of the epidural kit surmounted the savings in isoflurane expense. Conc
lusion: In the patient population studied, premedication with 300 mu g
oral, IM, or epidural clonidine, similarly and significantly reduced
the expense of isoflurane during general anesthesia of an approximatel
y duration of two hours. However, the cost of the epidural kit offsets
the savings in isoflurane. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.