This study of 113 adolescent females with IDDM and their mothers inves
tigated whether: (I) interaction patterns are more dysfunctional in fa
milies of girls with eating disturbances than in those without; and (2
) the relationship between family functioning and metabolic control is
mediated by an eating disturbance. Based on self-reported eating atti
tudes and behaviors, subjects were categorized as Nondisturbed (N=56),
Mildly Disturbed (N=37), and Highly Disturbed (hi 20). Mothers and da
ughters rated overall family functioning (FES), and daughters rated pa
rental relationships (IPPA, MFP). Metabolic control was assessed using
Hb(alc) levels. MANCOVA illustrated that eating disturbances are asso
ciated with the perception of poor communication with mothers and fath
ers, a lack of trust in their accessibility and responsiveness, and ov
erall family environments perceived to be conflictual and inadequate i
n support and structure. Regression analyses revealed that the presenc
e and severity of an eating disturbance mediates the influence of fami
ly functioning on metabolic control. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.