Mf. Kagnoff, CURRENT CONCEPTS IN MUCOSAL IMMUNITY - III - ONTOGENY AND FUNCTION OFGAMMA-DELTA T-CELLS IN THE INTESTINE, American journal of physiology: Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, 37(3), 1998, pp. 455-458
gamma delta T cells are located in the paracellular space between epit
helial cells. In the human colon and small intestine, 5-40% of intraep
ithelial lymphocytes (IEL) are ya T cells, and in mice an even greater
proportion of IEL are gamma delta T cells. The ya T cell receptor rep
ertoire in the human intestine undergoes marked changes in V region ge
ne usage and junctional diversity during development from fetus to new
born to adult, suggesting that gamma delta T cells may mediate qualita
tively or quantitatively different functions at various stages of deve
lopment. ya IEL have been shown to produce cytokines and growth factor
s and to influence epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation,
as well as the mucosal development of immunoglobulin A B cells. gamma
delta IEL also manifest cytolytic activity. However, the ligands recog
nized by intestinal gamma delta T cells and the role they play in inte
stinal immune responses, in immune defense to enteric pathogens, and i
n the pathogenesis of intestinal disease are thus far largely unknown.