The Freja cold plasma analyzer (CPA) makes high time resolution measur
ements of the angle-and energy-integrated core ion velocity distributi
on (< 20 eV) with spatial resolutions of similar to 10 m. In a prelimi
nary study, Knudsen et al. [1994] reported that in the most intense co
re ion heating regions, integral ion flux becomes bursty on timescales
of tens of milliseconds, implying spatial scales of hundreds of meter
s. The present study demonstrates that these flux bursts are associate
d with solitary kinetic Alfven waves (SKAW), and we show examples of a
one-to-one correspondence between SKAW and ion flux bursts. In princi
ple, the measured flux bursts can result from variations in ion temper
ature, drift, density, composition, or changes in the functional form
of the velocity distribution (e.g., Maxwellian versus conical), or som
e combination thereof. By modeling the dependence of integral flux on
various combinations of these parameters, we calculate the amount of v
ariation needed to explain ion flux bursts, which can have amplitudes
in excess of 10(9) cm(-2) s(-1). This value is comparable in magnitude
to the ram flux of cold ions in a 10(3) cm(-3) plasma and is also com
parable to the peak ion flux in ion outflow regions measured on previo
us spacecraft missions. In most cases, flux bursts can be explained ei
ther by localized heating to several eV or by bulk drifts of the order
of 1-2 km/s; however, it is not possible to distinguish between these
two possibilities from the CPA data alone. Plasma wave data show that
SKAW are associated with broadband ELF waves extending from de up to
and beyond the proton cyclotron frequency f(H+). Wave power above f(H) and below the oxygen cyclotron frequency f(O+) is localized within S
KAW and could in principle lead to localized ion heating. The region o
f the spectrum between f(H+) and f(O+) appears less localized and coul
d produce a more uniform background of heated ions, depending on the r
elative contributions to total heating of the different spectral regim