Study design. The loads acting on an internal spinal fixation device w
ere measured in vivo. Objectives. To determine the influence of muscle
forces on implant loads. Summary of Background Data. Only limited inf
ormation exists regarding the loads acting on spinal implants in vivo.
Though the muscles greatly influence spinal load, they have been negl
ected in most studies. Methods. Telemeterized internal spinal fixation
devices were used to study the influence of muscle forces on the impl
ant loads in three patients before and after anterior interbody fusion
. Results. Contracting abdominal or back muscles in a lying position w
as found to significantly increase implant loads. Hanging by the hands
from wall bars as well as balancing with the hands on parallel bars r
educed the implant loads compared with standing; however, hanging by t
he feet with the head upside down did not reduce implant loads compare
d with lying in a supine position. When lying on an operating table wi
th only the foot end lowered so that the hips were bent, the patient h
ad different load measurements in the conscious and anesthetized state
before anterior interbody fusion. The anesthetized patient evidenced
predominately extension moments in both fixators, whereas flexion mome
nts were observed in the right fixator of the conscious patient. After
anterior interbody fusion had occurred, the differences in implant lo
ads resulting from anesthesia were small. Conclusions. The muscles gre
atly influence implant loads. They prevent an axial tensile load on th
e spine when part of the body weight is pulling, e.g., when the patien
t is hanging by his hands or feet. The implant loads may be strongly a
ltered when the patient is under anesthesia.