The theory of mass transport coupled to reversible macromolecular inte
ractions under chemical kinetic control forms the basis for computer s
imulation of the electrophoretic mobility-shift behavior of protein-DN
A complexes. Model systems include (i) specific binding of a univalent
protein molecule to a single site on the DNA molecule; (ii) the putat
ive cage effect; (iii) cooperative binding to multiple sites; (iv) for
mation of looped complexes of 1:1 and 2:1 stoichiometry; (v) noncooper
ative and cooperative, nonspecific binding modes; and (vi) binding of
dimerizing transcriptional factors to response elements of target gene
s. Favorable comparison of simulated with experimental mobility-shift
behavior indicates that the phenomenological mechanisms, whereby obser
ved mobility-shift patterns are generated during electrophoresis, are
embodied in the theory. These studies have provided guidelines for def
initive interpretation of mobility-shift assays and for the design of
experiments to develop a detailed unterstanding of the particular syst
em under investigation.