Neurons and synapses display a rich range of time-dependent processes.
Which of these are critical to understanding specific integrative fun
ctions in the brain? Computational methods of various kinds are used t
o understand how systems of neurons interact to produce behavior. Howe
ver, these models often assume that neuronal dynamics and synaptic str
engths are fixed. This review presents some recent models that illustr
ate that short-term synaptic plasticity mechanisms such as facilitatio
n and depression can have important implications for network function.
Other features of synaptic transmission such as multi-component synap
tic potentials, cotransmission, and neuromodulation with obvious poten
tial computational implications are presented. These examples illustra
te that synaptic strength and intrinsic properties in networks are con
tinuously varying on numerous time scales as a function of the tempora
l patterns of activity in the network. Thus, both firing frequency of
the neurons in a circuit, and the modulatory environment determine the
intrinsic and synaptic properties that produce behavior.