The progressive and regressive stages of fibropapilloma in their unusu
al papillomatous formation in calves are described. Papillated hyperpl
asia of the epidermis and high mitotic activity in stratum basale char
acterized the progressive stage. The regressive stage (120 days later)
showed infiltration of dermal papillary layer by mononuclear cells (C
D3+ cells and macrophages),a thin stratum spinosum without long rete r
idges, and massive hyalinization of collagen in the dermis. Several ba
sal cells in the mitotic cycle were immunohistochemically positive for
papillomavirus. Immunohistochemically, papillomavirus was demonstrate
d in these lesions with the higher numbers of virus positive cells in
the progressive stage. Some cells in the stratum spinosum showed both
cytoplasmic-and nuclear staining for the virus, which implies the budd
ing of the virion into the cytoplasm in these layers.