The Cux-1 isolate of chicken anaemia virus (CAV) was passaged over 320
times in Marek's disease virus transformed chicken lymphoblastoid (MD
CC-MSB1) cells. Comparison of the infectivity titres of virus pools de
rived from viruses that had received 0 (P0), 49 (P49), 170 (P170) and
320 (P320) passages in our laboratory indicated that the yields of inf
ectious virus increased over 100-fold with passage number from P0 to P
170. P320 exhibited unusual cell culture growth characteristics in tha
t, unlike its lower passage counterparts, virus-specific immunofluores
cence (IF) and cytopathic effect were detected at very low levels at 2
days post infection, with an additional passage of infected cells int
o fresh medium being required to produce high levels of infectious vir
us. Experimental infection of 1-day-old SPF chicks showed that P170 an
d P320 were substantially attenuated compared to P49 and a pathogenic,
low-passage isolate used as control. When assessed by the indirect IF
test, infection of 1-day-old chicks with the P49 and P170 isolates el
icited similar levels of CAV-specific antibody to those elicited by in
fection with the pathogenic, low-passage virus and higher than those e
licited by infection with the P320 isolate. Experimental infection of
5-week-old chicks indicated that the attenuated P170 and P320 isolates
invoked similar CAV-specific antibody levels to those invoked by the
pathogenic P49 and control isolates.