This paper is a continuation of the authors' earlier work [1], where a
version of the Traven's [2] Gaussian clustering neural network (being
a recursive counterpart of the EM algorithm) has been investigated. A
comparative simulation study of the Gaussian clustering algorithm [1]
, two versions of plug-in kernel estimators and a version of Friedman'
s projection pursuit algorithm are presented for two-and three-dimensi
onal data. Simulations show that the projection pursuit algorithm is a
good or a very good estimator, provided, however, that the number of
projections is suitably chosen. Although practically confined to estim
ating normal mixtures, the simulations confirm general reliability of
plug-in estimators, and show the same property of the Gaussian cluster
ing algorithm. Indeed, the simulations confirm the earlier conjecture
that this last estimator proivdes a way of effectively estimating arbi
trary and highly structured continuous densities on R-d, at least for
small d, either by using this estimator itself or, rather by using it
as a pilot estimator for a newly proposed plug-in estimator.