Two cases of Whipple's disease in adults seen in a general hospital wa
rd over a ten-year period are reported, Both patients were young and p
resented with chronic diarrhea, The diagnosis was made based on pathol
ogic studies of specimens collected during exploratory laparotomy. Bot
h patients had frequent recurrences due to poor compliance with the an
timicrobial therapy, and both developed mycobacterial infections (lepr
osy and pulmonary tuberculosis, respectively) testifying to the disord
ers of cellular immunity characteristic of Whipple's disease, In one o
f the patients each recurrence was accompanied with a bout of highly i
nflammatory polyarthritis. The other patient developed ankylosing spon
dylitis that remained active despite stabilization of the Whipple's di
sease. Whipple's disease contributed only 1.29% of the cases of chroni
c diarrhea seen during the study period, A review of the literature de
monstrated that Whipple's disease is a multisystem disorder often resp
onsible for misleading presentations, and that delayed recurrences are
common and sometimes cause severe neurologic and cardiac manifestatio
ns. Tropheryma whippelii has recently been identified as the likely ca
use of Whipple's disease.